Chocolate Rice Bubble Bars and Bites …
Ingredients …
  • 250g butter, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup castor sugar
  • 500g fresh dates, pitted and finely chopped
  • 1 cup desiccated coconut
  • 2 tablespoons raw cacao (or substitute with cocoa powder)
  • 6 cups rice bubbles
Method …
  1. Line a 38 cm x 26 cm baking pan with baking paper. Use a very light spray on the baking pan to hold the baking paper in place.
  2. Place butter and sugar in a large saucepan and gently simmer over a low heat, stir continuously.
  3. Add the dates, stirring constantly for approximately 10 minutes until the dates are soft and break up.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add the coconut and cocao and stir to blend.
  5. Add the rice bubbles and stir through until well combined.
  6. Spoon the mixture into the prepared pan and press firmly into the pan using the back of a spoon.
  7. Place the trays into the fridge and, once firm and set, remove and cut into desired size using a sharp knife. As a guide, I usually cut 24 bites per tray or 12 bars per tray but you can cut these to any size you like.
Recipe by Mrs Organised at