Simple Tips to Help you Organise the Kitchen Pantry …

  The pantry is one of the largest cupboards in the average home which also means it has the greatest potential to be the most disorganised. But because we can spend a lot of time in the kitchen and need to access things from the pantry several times a day, it’s important that it’s well organised and efficient so we can find things quickly and easily.   These are the four main reasons why I work hard to keep my pantry organised:   It saves money … if everything is easy to see, it means I won’t double up and buy duplicates of things I already … read more

11 Simple Tips to Help you Assemble Flat-pack Furniture without Losing your Sanity …

  It’s not always possible to buy furniture items fully assembled. Sometimes you fall in love with something that would look perfect in your home, you make your way excitedly to the counter, pay for your latest discovery only to find it’s flat-packed and you have to put it together yourself … aaaargh! Fear not … you don’t need an Engineering Degree to do the job (although sometimes it feels like you do) and a couple of simple tips will see your newly purchased item, assembled and put in place for you to enjoy and admire.   I recently bought a couple of … read more

12 Clever Uses for Glasses or Sunglasses Cases …

  I love creative storage ideas … taking everyday items and finding unique and interesting ways to use them.   I wear prescription glasses as I’m shortsighted, in other words, I have trouble seeing distances and also have my sunglasses fitted with the same prescription lenses so I can see clearly when I’m out and about.   Once a year I get my eyes tested and, although my prescription is now fairly stable and hasn’t changed in the last couple of years, I usually get a new pair of my regular glasses and sunglasses as the old ones are often stretched … read more

How I Organise and Keep Track of my Prescriptions …

  One of my lovely facebook followers recently asked for some tips and advice on how to store prescriptions, so today I’m going to share the way I organise mine.   Once upon a time, I found it hard to keep track of my family’s prescriptions and I used to lose them all the time. It used to go something like this:   I’d go to the doctor (either for myself or the kids) and, if needed, grab a prescription I would go to the chemist straight away and get the prescribed medicine Then, if the prescription had a repeat for further doses of the … read more

How I Organised my Gift Wrapping Supplies …

  I’ve always been fairly organised but in my younger days, I used to get caught out when it came to presents. Special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries used to creep up on me and I’d find myself running around at the last minute to buy gift wrapping paper, ribbon and cards from the nearest newsagency. This used to cost me a small fortune not to mention cause me heaps of frustration. I eventually decided enough was enough and got myself organised with a supply of all these items and the savings were massive.   Instead of paying $3 – $4 (and … read more

9 Tips for Choosing the Right Containers for your Pantry …

  Organising your pantry can seem like a hugely overwhelming task. You open the doors, it’s a jumbled mess and before long you’ve slammed the doors shut with a promise to tackle the job another day (except “another day” never comes) … sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone and a lot of you have asked what are the best containers to use in the pantry. So today I thought I would share my tips on some things to consider when choosing the right containers to organise your pantry.   The ultimate goal is to store everything so that it’s accessible, visible … read more

4 Great Ideas for Organising Baking Trays and Racks …

Storing the trays, racks and things we use for baking can be a bit of a challenge. Mostly they end up stacked in an uneven pile in a cupboard. It’s difficult to keep tidy because everything is different sizes and it’s frustrating when you want the item on the bottom of the pile. Sound familiar?? So when I renovated my kitchen about 8 years ago, I put a lot of thought into what would be stored in each drawer and cupboard and I definitely wanted a solution for my baking trays, muffin trays, cake tins and oven racks. Ideally, I wanted to stand them up so they could … read more

How I Organise my Plastics/Tupperware Cupboard in 6 Easy Steps …

Does this look familiar? More importantly, how does it make you feel? It made me feel frustrated and annoyed! I got sick of the mess and untidiness and was sick of not being able to find what I needed to store leftovers or frozen vegies! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone in my lifetime who at some stage hasn’t been overwhelmed by their plastics/tupperware cupboard. It’s one of those cupboards that never seems to stay tidy no matter how hard we try so I decided it was time to find a more permanent solution to the problem. The biggest problems I find with storing … read more

How to Create Space Where There is None … Say What!?!

One of the things I hear often is “My house/apartment is too small … I don’t have enough storage & cupboard space and need a bigger place”. Sound familiar! I’ve even heard myself say the same thing but I’ve also learned, that’s not always possible and instead, I have to make do with the space I have available. So one of my best tips for getting organised is to find and create space where previously there is none. In other words, finding storage solutions for some of the smallest and least obvious places. How is that possible, I hear you ask! Let me give you … read more