Festive White Chocolate Rocky Road …

Festive White Chocolate Rocky Road 001

Many years ago, hubby employed a lady in the Accounts Department who, apart from being a wizz with numbers, was also quite at home in the kitchen. Knowing that we had three little angels at home with a weakness for chocolate (not to mention yours truly) the lady in question would regularly send home delicious batches of Rocky Road. To say we were all in heaven as we devoured it was an understatement but my girls were devastated to learn one day, that this lady had resigned. Not too concerned about her career prospects, their biggest issue was what would happen to their supply of this sweet treat. Miss 22 (who at the time was only 10) felt she had the perfect solution to the problem: give the lady a pay rise and encourage her to stay!! As cute as her suggestion was, I had to explain that the lady wasn’t being paid to make an unending supply of Rocky Road, she actually had a job to do!

My only solution was to overcome my fear of melting chocolate and learn how to make it myself! And to anyone who has ever been scared like me, don’t be. It’s really very easy. You can use a specifically designed double boiler i.e. one saucepan that fits snuggly inside another or you can create your own by placing a heat-proof bowl over the top of a pot. The bowl needs to be larger than the pot so that it sits suspended over the top of the water in the bottom.

Here’s a couple of tips if you’re attempting to melt chocolate for the first time:

  • If you don’t own a double boiler and you’ve created your own using a bowl, make sure the bowl fits snuggly inside the pot to prevent water from splattering into the bowl and coming in contact with the chocolate. If this happens, the chocolate will seize (or harden) and will be ruined.

  • Make sure the water inside the bottom pot simmers rather than boils furiously, again to prevent the water from splashing.

  • Don’t allow the water in the bottom pot to come into contact with the base of the bowl or it may create condensation that could ruin the chocolate.

  • Use a metal spoon when melting chocolate. Wooden or plastic spoons can retain moisture which could ruin the chocolate.

  • Finally, if you use a bowl inside the pot, be sure to pick it up carefully with a thick, dry cloth as the bowl will get seriously hot!

Give it a go and you’ll be whipping up batches of your own Rocky Road in no time at all. And the best part about Rocky Road is you can add or subtract ingredients to truly personalize it to individual tastes. So tell me, what other ingredients do you add to your Rocky Road? And do you prefer white, dairy or dark chocolate?

Festive White Chocolate Rocky Road 002

Festive White Chocolate Rocky Road …
Ingredients …
  • 1 x 375 g packet Nestle White Chocolate Melts
  • 1 x cup Red/Green/Orange/Yellow Frogs, chopped roughly
  • ¾ cup marshmallows, chopped roughly into small cubes
  • ¼ cup Pistachio nuts
  • ⅓ cup dessicated coconut
Method …
  1. Cover a baking tray with aluminium foil and set aside. Place white chocolate in top of double boiler (or bowl over a pot) and heat gently until all chocolate melts and stirs with a smooth consistency.
  2. Remove pan or pot from heat. Stir in all remaining ingredients.
  3. Tip mixture onto prepared baking tray and spread evenly until mixture measures approximately ½ inch in thickness. Refrigerate until mixture is just firm. Lift from tray and remove aluminium foil and then roughly chop into large bite-size pieces. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge until ready to serve.

Clever Tricks, Tips and Hints …

  • I used Fruity Frogs from the Black and Gold Brand which can be found at Spar Supermarkets and some IGA’s. I like them because they are quite soft to eat and also give you the lovely vibrant colours.

  • Another trick I learned from Miss 17’s Home Economics class is to chop the marshmallows and frogs using kitchen scissors … so quick and easy.


  1. Frogs! I’ve never thought to put frogs in my rocky road. This is so pretty and festive and perfect for Christmas gifts and serving at parties. How lovely of that employee to bless you with an unending supply of rocky road but what a shame she decided to retire! xx

    • These “Black and Gold” brand frogs were a real find. They are really soft making them easy to eat and the colours are just gorgeous! x

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