15 Easy Tips to Help Reduce or Prevent Food Waste …

15 Easy Tips to Help Reduce or Prevent Food Waste


How much food do you find yourself throwing out at the end of the week? It breaks my heart and it’s something we’ve all done but a few simple tricks will reduce what goes to waste, which will ultimately save you money:


  1. Meal Plan … start by creating a weekly Meal Plan then you will know what you are eating each night. Incorporate items into your Meal Plan that will need to be thrown out soon if not used.


  1. Create a Family Schedule … then you will know how many people will be eating at each meal and know what quantities to cook.


  1. Prepare a Shopping List … use your Meal Plan to create a Shopping List so you buy only what you need in the right quantities. Don’t impulse buy when you get to the Supermarket … only buy the things on your list that you will actually eat.


  1. Organise your pantry, fridge and freezer … if everything is visible and well organised you will be able to see clearly what you already have when preparing your Shopping List.


  1. Clean out your fridge before going shopping … no point doubling up on things you already have or wasting food that is still inside it’s use by date.


  1. Shop more than once a week … this may seem the opposite of being organised but the reality is that fresh produce like fruit, vegetables, deli meats and milk may not last to the end of the week before they go limp or go off. I do one main shop for the week and then one other smaller shop so that everything is at it’s peak freshness.


  1. Don’t waste leftovers … create lunch the next day or incorporate leftovers into tomorrow night’s meal.


  1. Learn to love your freezer … if you can’t realistically use something in time, label it, date it and freeze it until you can.


  1. Use the right containers in your pantry, fridge and freezer … if food is stored correctly in see through or labeled containers with well-sealing lids, it’s less likely to go off, become stale or suffer from freezer burn. The right containers will seal in the freshness while keeping nasties out at the same time. See through containers will also act as a visual reminder of what is in the fridge, freezer or pantry.


  1. Think about the quantities you buy … it’s a balance, buying in bulk is cheaper but only if you will actually use the quantity you have purchased. There is no point buying 5 kg of flour if you will realistically only use 1 kg before it goes off. Same with canned goods … don’t buy large-sized tins unless you will use it all.


  1. Be aware of your expiry dates and how long certain foods will last … check dates on items at the supermarket before purchasing and implement “First in, first out”. When you unpack your groceries, place newly purchased items at the back of the pantry while shuffling older items to the front to be used first. This prevents products in your pantry from expiring.


  1. Educate the kids about waste … it’s important they learn and understand the waste when food is thrown out as well as that waste equals money.


  1. Cook to your family’s appetite … unless you plan to cook a double batch so you can freeze a portion, plan to cook just the right quantity.


  1. Use the whole product … in other words, if your recipe calls for 1 cup of broccoli but you actually buy the equivalent of 1 ½ cups, use all the broccoli in your meal otherwise the unused portion could end up being thrown out when it goes limp.


  1. Stretch your fruit and vegetables further … turn leftover vegetables and meat bones into a stock, fruit that is a little soft can be used in smoothies or muffins and vegetables that are a little wilted can be made into soups.


These tips will help you reduce waste and ultimately save money … do you have any other tips you can share?


If you would like a Meal Planner, download this one totally free!


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