School and Uni is a time of tests, exams, homework and assignments that can see kids preparing and studying for hours at a time and it’s very easy for them to not look after themselves properly by getting enough sleep and eating the right things. Miss 16 is in High School, Miss 22 is in her second year at Uni and Miss 25, although she has finished her Degree, is now studying for her CPA (Certified Practicing Accountant). So when they bury their heads in books, I like to help keep their energy levels up with healthy snacks and drinks.
I usually put together a snack plate, which offers them a range of healthy food (and the occasional treat), allowing them to keep working and not get distracted with food preparation. I like to use a divided plate or container that separates everything nicely but really, any old plate will do. Small bowls or silicon cupcake moulds are a great way to separate different foods.
You may prefer to not serve food in their bedrooms if that’s where they study. One of our general house rules is for food to be eaten in the kitchen or dining area but when they are studying, I tend to relax the rules a little. A great alternative is to place their snack plate on a tray and at least that helps to confine the mess and catch some crumbs.
So, what makes good study food?
Basically, anything that they enjoy, that’s healthy, simple to prepare, easy to eat and looks yummy. Sandwiches or wraps are a great place to start because they are filling and can be prepared with endless combinations. Some of our favourites are:
- tuna with mayonnaise and shallot
- turkey with cranberry sauce
- egg and lettuce
- ham, cheese and tomato
- chicken with mayonnaise, cheese and lettuce
- roast beef with tomato, lettuce and mustard or relish
- ham and avocado
- salad including tomato, cucumber, beetroot and spinach leaves
… the possibilities are endless!
Other snack food that works well is:
- dip and crackers
- raw, fresh vegetables like snow peas, carrot, capsicum and celery sticks
- nuts
- bliss balls (you’ll find loads of recipes for these here)
- fruit like strawberries, oranges, kiwi fruit, watermelon, bananas and so on
- dried fruit like sultanas, apricots, apple, etc.
- popcorn
- muffins
- slices of banana bread, carrot cake or other baked treat
- fresh, homemade salsa and corn chips
- cheese and crackers
I always try to keep it relatively healthy as that will keep their energy and motivation high and allows them to focus on their study. I also encourage them to take a break every hour or so to get up and stretch their legs and give their poor brains a rest. I also think it’s important for them not to miss out on too much sleep, no matter how much work they have to get through, because after several hours of study they’re no longer productive and their brains have generally turned to mush anyway. Just a small word of caution, don’t leave the food sitting for too long on their desk particularly in warmer weather. Once they’ve had a snack, cover the food, return it to the fridge and then bring it out again in an hour or so.
So tell me, how do your kids cope with the workload and what food do they like to snack on when they’re studying?
I love your visual platters – I tend to forget that people eat with their eyes first and these snacks all look amazing! My boys are big fans of fresh homemade fruit salads, or carrot sticks. Lately they have been into beetroot, cheese and cucumber kebabs but these are pretty messy so are only allowed to be eaten at the big table!
i’m a big believer in presentation when it comes to food, Lauren … food that looks good usually tastes good!
Everything looks fresh and yummy except for the muffin…not so sure about that one!
Hi Lana and thanks for visiting! The muffin is homemade and is made with Dates and Bananas … here is the link to the recipe: … the recipe makes 20 muffins so there really isn’t that much sugar and butter per muffin. Have a look at the recipe and let me know what you think !
What a good mum you are!
During exam times I also try to feed my kids extra fish as this has been promoted as a “brain” food!
I don’t know for sure if it helps or not, but they believe it does, so that in itself helps!
Thanks, Ingrid and thanks for visiting! Kids get really stressed when studying for exams, so this is just one little thing I like to do to help take the pressure off!
They look nutritious but also delicious!
Perfect “brain food”!
Awww such a sweet gesture that I am sure kids will appreciate. My son is just starting school but I have this post in mind when he is starting with exams as well =)
Taking care of some snacks and the preparation means they can focus and have more time to study!
This is awesome! Now all I need is a Mum to prepare one for ME while I work from home, lol:-) #TeamIBOT
Yes it would be nice, wouldn’t it … we spend so much time looking after our kids … I’d be delighted if someone served me a plate of goodies as I worked!