Decluttering (Part 2) … The Benefits of Decluttering

The Benefits of Decluttering 001

Welcome to Part 2 of my Decluttering series. Recently, we answered the question: What is Clutter? where we described it as the mess and untidiness that comes with having too much stuff and not knowing how to sort it and get rid of it. So this week, I thought we could continue by chatting about the benefits of decluttering.

Here are my top reasons for wanting to declutter and get more organised and the benefits that I gain:

  • Makes cleaning easier. The less clutter I have in my home, the less I have to clean and dust. If I can remove as much as possible from horizontal surfaces like office desks, kitchen benches, bedside tables, dining room tables and bathroom vanities, the easier it is to keep those surfaces clean.
  • Increases my motivation to clean. If areas of my house are easier to clean, I’ll be more inclined and motivated to do it rather than procrastinate.
  • I’m happier and more relaxed. An uncluttered, organised house for me means an uncluttered mind. If I’m constantly getting frustrated over the untidiness and mess of my house, this will do little to reduce my stress. When the house is overcrowded and looks like a “disaster zone”, this visual clutter can grow like a weed in the back of your mind.
  • I can find things when I need them. If I create a “home” for everything and make sure I always put everything away where it belongs, I will waste less time looking for things.
  • Saves me money and I spend less. Decluttering helps me realize the money I’ve wasted accumulating things that I really didn’t need or things that have not added any real value to my life. It helps me to think twice before I buy items. I have also made money by selling unwanted items through ebay. Although I no longer want these items, they may be of value to someone else. Remember the old saying “someones trash is someone elses treasure”. I also like the idea that by selling or donating items (as opposed to just throwing them out) it means I’m not contributing to rubbish dumps and landfill. Spending less money on “stuff” could even mean that you need to work less … wouldn’t that be nice?
  • Saves me time. Cleaning will be quicker, I won’t waste time looking for things and I won’t waste time double handling things. I will gain more time because I won’t be maintaining unnecessary stuff. I will be able to use the extra time doing things I love and enjoy and I’ll have more time to spend doing family activities.
  • I feel more in control. When I’m overwhelmed by clutter I get flustered and struggle to know where to start. If it gets totally out of control and you begin to feel like your drowning, those levels of stress can eventually affect your health. Decluttering will make most of our household duties easier and more manageable.
  • Allows me to be more productive. With less clutter and stuff to focus on, I can devote more time and energy to the things I need to do or that really matter to me because I’m less distracted.
  • My mind will be clearer. Clutter fills my mind with too much “stuff” that I can see and touch and overloads my thoughts. By getting rid of the clutter I’m less distracted. Having too much stuff means I have more to think and worry about so I’d rather get rid of the stuff and unclutter my mind.
  • Creates a safer home. This is something most people wouldn’t consider but decluttering your home makes it safer. If you have less on display, there’s fewer places for dust to accumulate while a decluttered home means there is less stuff left laying around for people to trip or fall over.
  • Creates more space. Clutter makes me feel claustrophobic. I used to feel like I need a bigger house just to store all the “stuff”. Wouldn’t it be easier to just have less stuff, get rid of the excess and create space.
  • I want to be a good role model. If I can create an uncluttered environment with less attachment and focus on stuff, that will hopefully promote a similar philosophy for my kids. I would rather collect experiences and memories than possessions.
  • Become more social. I find I’m less inclined to invite family and friends over when the place is a constant mess. I also find less time to visit other people when I have so much to clean and organise at home.
  • Greater appreciation for my belongings. I’ve found that by owning less I value and appreciate more the things I choose to keep. When you only own one of a particular thing you are more inclined to look after it than if you have multiples of the same item.

So, as you can see, there is a lot to be gained by getting rid of the clutter in your home and getting more organised. But just a reminder too, I don’t ever feel the need for my home to be “display home” perfect. We still have to live in it and enjoy it, so when I talk about decluttering, I’m talking about the excess stuff that we no longer need in our every day lives … the stuff we have simply accumulated and are doing little more than storing. I personally don’t like a lot of clutter but I still have it just like everyone else … that’s a simple fact of life! My aim here is to simply raise my awareness of it and control it so it doesn’t get on top of me. There is a huge difference between clutter that can be cleared quickly compared to clutter that can take months to get rid of.

So tell me, how does your clutter make you feel and do you find you get overwhelmed because of it?


  1. I’m a huge fan of the declutter! In saying that, I’ve still got heaps to do, but I think it makes for a much happier, clearer and cleaner home. I’m struggling to overcome the hoarding tendencies of my 7 1/2 year old daughter, to whom everything is a precious relic to be saved from the recycling or the op shop. Help!

    • I love decluttering as it frees up my mind as much as space. For your little girl, rather than fight her clutter maybe set a limit as to how much she can keep. Allow her to keep whatever “precious” items she likes as long as they fit into a single plastic box (not too big). That way she will still get to keep some of the things she loves but learn to “let go” and sort at the same time. Also, if she knows she only has a set amount of space and will need to get rid of some items to make way for new things, she might be a little more choosy about what she brings home. Let me know if it works.

  2. My husband tells me that John Le Carre could write a book about me called “The Constant Declutterer”. I am THAT dedicated to my craft. What I never understand is how the clutter arrives in the first place. I’m quite sure I don’t buy half the stuff I end up having to recycle somehow!! x

    • Glad to hear you’re so dedicated to your “craft”. Isn’t it amazing though how “stuff” arrives into our homes without out us really thinking about it or being “conscious” that it’s happening … clutter is sneaky like that!!

  3. My middle name is RUTHless. My husband and kids hate it about me, but decluttering seriously keeps me sane! ;) xx

  4. I did a big purge yesterday. Gosh, it felt good chucking things away and making space.

    • Feels good, doesn’t it, when you can stand back and see a newly organised space with more room than when you started … great achievement!

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