How to Organise the Bathroom Drawers (Part 2) …

How to Organise the Bathroom Drawers (Part 2) 001


Last week, my decluttering task was to clean out the top drawer in the main bathroom and I’m pleased to announce “Mission Accomplished”. Doesn’t it feel great to achieve something that’s been on your “To Do List”?


This week I’ve decided to tackle the next two drawers. The top drawer held most of Miss 21’s makeup and skincare and I found the perfect solution at Howards Storage. You can read that story here.


The other two drawers were going to store bulkier items so this is how I tackled organising those:


    • I removed everything from both drawers. I used two separate baskets and put the contents from one drawer in one basket and the contents from the second drawer in the other basket.


    • I cleaned both drawers thoroughly. If you’re doing your drawers, remove the drawers, if possible, and wipe down the outside as well as the sliding tracks. I love my De-Solv-It Spray for this job as it cleans up sticky, difficult stains easily but any bathroom cleaner should do a good job. Make sure you allow the drawers to dry thoroughly.


    • DECLUTTER! If something’s old or broken, get rid of it! If you no longer use something, get rid of it! I know how hard it is to throw out items that appear to be in perfectly good condition but I tend to think if I haven’t used something for 6 months or more then I really don’t need it. Items that are still in good condition can be passed on to family and friends or donated.


    • Next I decided what to store in these drawers. I tend to store here bigger items and things that Miss 21 doesn’t necessarily acesss all the time, so in the second drawer you will find things like nail polish, nail polish remover, spare moisturisers and foundations, nail files, nail scissors, etc. In the bottom drawer I tend to keep refills and spares of items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, disposable razors, etc. I try to keep at least one spare of every item. This prevents us from running out of things and allows me to purchase replacements and refills when they are on sale which saves money.


    • I didn’t have any storage containers at home but I found these perfect little blue baskets at Stacks for $3.00 each and they perfectly matched the baskets I used when I organised the bathroom cupboard. If you missed it, you can catch up on that project here. The best feature of these baskets (apart from being a gorgeous colour) is that the sides are really high meaning items won’t slip over the sides.


How to Organise the Bathroom Drawers (Part 2) 002


    • I returned everything to the drawers, grouping similar items together for convenience. I put the most frequently used items towards the front of the drawer and I wiped everything down with a damp cloth to make sure everything was clean.


How to Organise the Bathroom Drawers (Part 2) 003

How to Organise the Bathroom Drawers (Part 2) 004


You may be surprised by how much extra space you create once you have cleaned and decluttered. This is now a great opportunity to see if you can move items from the vanity benchtop into the drawers or cupboard. Not only will the vanity benchtop look less cluttered but it will be easier to clean if you have a clear, flat surface.


This is a fairly quick little project that can take as little as 15 minutes and then it will just be a matter of wiping out the drawers once a month and doing a quick tidy. The real secret is to create a “home” for every single item and to encourage everyone to return things to that “home” each time something is used. As my Mum used to say, “a place for everything and everything in its place”.


Well, that’s another job I can tick off my list. So tell me, do you find it hard to let go of things, even though you no longer use them, or do you tend to hang on to things forever?


Please Note: This is NOT a Sponsored Post. All items mentioned were independently purchased by Sandie from AppleBee Lane. All opinions are personal and entirely my own and any statistic, product claim or representation about a product or service should be verified by the reader with the manufacturer, supplier or retailer. Pricing information was correct at the time of publication but is subject to change by the manufacturer and/or retailer.



  1. I think I need to do a declutter of my bathroom too… and my make up. There’s a whole heap of empty containers and jars of used up creams and lotions. Thanks for the tips!

    • You will probably be surprised just how much space you have in the bathroom once you declutter, so it’s really worth the effort. If it’s too hard to find enough time to do it all at once, break it up into smaller jobs and do one drawer at a time.