If you hover your mouse over the “Blogging” title on the green menu, a little drop down will reveal a heading “Blogs I Follow”, click and a list will appear of some of my favourite blogs. Looks a little bare, doesn’t it? Well, today it’s time to reveal the name of another wonderful blog to be added to the list … Life, Love and Hiccups!
I’ve been following Sonia from Life, Love and Hiccups for quite a while now and I’m always thrilled when I see one of her posts has landed in my inbox.
Sonia’s posts have a way of putting me in the best mood and I love her sense of humour and fun. I rarely get half way through a post before I’m either chuckling or nodding in agreement, particularly any post dealing with childhood misadventures. I’ve lost count of the number of times I can relate to events and stories and feel absolute relief that I’m not alone on this parenting journey … we all seem to be dealing with the same challenges! Sonia embraces all the crazy things that happen to her and calls them “The Hiccups” all of which provides wonderful material for her blog.
Now, not only is this girl fun, she’s also quite creative. When she gets her “craft on”, she becomes “Martha Mudguts” who she quotes as her “vodka cocktail swilling, craft loving domestic goddess wannabe alter ego” and “Martha” will have a go at creating just about anything. I loved her hand painted tea towels, her neon wall art had me wanting to rush out and buy a canvas and some paint and this week she’s created “Paint dipped” dining chairs to match … love it!
So, if you’re after a great read, head on over to Sonia’s Blog at www.lifeloveandhiccups.blogspot.com.au and in Sonia’s own words: Sometimes you’ve just got to heart the hiccups!
What a great sounding blog Sandie! Thanks for introducing us to Sonia’s blog
It’s a really wonderful blog that I really love reading. I’ve discovered some fantastic blogs lately and I’ll be sharing a lot more of them here.
ohhhhh Sandie – what a gorgeous surprise! Thank you so much hun, I am totally TOTALLY chuffed! xx
You’re very welcome … I’ve been a fan and follower for a long time so it’s great to be able to share your blog with others. Keep those great stories coming! x