Bathroom Cleaning Checklist … Free to Download …

It doesn’t take much for the bathroom to get dirty and it sometimes seems like a never-ending job. I clean my bathrooms once a week and then every 3 months or so I roll up my sleeves and thoroughly clean it from top to bottom including exhaust fans, light fittings, doors, windows and inside cupboards and drawers.

Today I’m sharing with you my Bathroom Cleaning Checklist that I use for that more intensive clean. Simply click on the download button and print off your free copy … that’s right … absolutely free! Simply laminate and then keep it in the bathroom cupboard.

But, on a daily basis, here are a few simple tips to make that weekly job a little easier:

  • Keep the benches as clear and uncluttered as possible and then once a day it’s easy to use a damp cloth to wipe out the sink, wipe over the taps and the top of the vanity.
  • Open the window each day as it helps get rid of moisture and everything will dry out so much quicker.
  • Make sure everyone hangs up their towels, as there is nothing worse than the smell of damp, musty towels. Make this easier by installing enough towel rails to hang all towels. Hooks behind the doors may also help to create more hanging space.
  • If your kids still use the bath, wipe it out with the face washer once it’s drained. Put that face washer in the laundry for the next load of washing and put out a fresh face washer each day.
  • Put together a small cleaning kit and keep it in the cupboard. This will make cleaning quicker and easier as everything will be at your fingertips. Only store this cleaning kit in your bathroom cupboard if your kids are old enough to do this safely.
  • Declutter bathroom drawers and cupboards so that any items that are no longer used, damaged or old are discarded.
  • Organise all bathroom drawers and cupboards so that there is a place to store everything and encourage everyone to put things back once used.
  • Keep the floors clear and place all dirty clothes in the laundry.
  • If your toilet is located in the bathroom, give the bowl a quick scrub every day with a toilet brush and check if the toilet roll holder needs a refill.

A few minutes each day, will definitely make that weekly clean so much easier. If you’ve only just joined me on the blog you can catch up on your reading by checking out these 3 posts that will show you how I decluttered, cleaned and organised my bathroom:

So tell me, do you mind cleaning the bathroom or does the thought of it fill you with dread?


Please Note: These downloads and printables are free for personal use only. Once printed, the colour may vary from the colour seen on your computer screen. They may also be printed in black and white by adjusting the settings on your computer and have been designed to print on a standard A4 page. If you would like to share any of these items on your website or blog, please contact me first. Thank you.


  1. Hehe I wonder if I put this up, whether hubby would start cleaning! :D

  2. thanks for sharing – I have printed and will put it on the bathroom cupboard door. The bathrooms are one of my least favourite jobs mainly because of the chemicals it involves.

    • Hi Annaleis and welcome to my blog! I use my checklist all the time and I’ve laminated it and keep it in the bathroom cupboard. I know what you mean about the chemicals but stay tuned as I will be posting some wonderful alternatives that also do a great job!

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